Management : keys performance indicators (KPI’s)

Analysis assistance and administrative tasks reduction; communication and follow-up of field's actions; management of indicators(KPI) in a graphical way

Because they are under severe pressure from their superiors, modern managers have less and less time to think about what changes should be implemented to guarantee future success and ensure the continuing existence of their company.

They are worried and bombarded with numerous questions, and mostly concentrate on day-to-day management: that already represents a constant challenge!

Factory Systems offers a practical and efficient solution that frees management from :

  • Many administrative tasks, reading and writing
  • Answering questions, interpreting, analysis


The FactoryGME software organises in a holistic way the management of the information and communication in the company so as to enable:

  • Monitoring of concrete actions in the field, in workshops
  • Very fast decision-making: on a daily basis
  • Communication to all company workstations
  • Taking short-term and medium-term improvement actions based on didactic presentation of the servicing work and stoppages

Indicators - KPI's

Performance indicators are essential for steering the business precisely and monitoring targets effectively.

The Factory software offers two types of indicator

Standard indicators: these measure performance based on recording by the workforce or automatic data capture.

  • Equipment (number of breakdowns, servicing time)
  • Number of job-sheets issued and completed
  • Overall productivity
  • Speed and downtime
  • Production completed
  • Status of actions and ongoing projects

Specific indicators: user-defined.

  • The software has input management and graphic display modules.