Officially born in Japan in 1971, TPM (Total Productive Maintenance) is an evolution of methods of maintenance, especially U.S., attempting to improve the performance of equipment in a proactive and staff involvement Today the approach has grown from maintenance to production and management in general, the ultimate goal of improving economic performance of the company.

TPM has 8 pillars :

Pillar 1 : Self-management equipment

Pillar 2 : Improving on a case by case basis

Pillar 3 : Maintenance planned

Pillar 4 : Improving skills

Pillar 5 : Safety, working conditions and environment

Pillar 6 : Quality control

Pillar 7 : Master of design

Pillar 8 : TPM in offices

TPM software :

The TPM Factory software has been designed to facilitate TPM implementation and to follow-up its evolution.

Recording and processing of anomalies

red and blue cards

Recording and processing suggestions

yellow card

Monitoring performance indicators

cards issued, resulting cards, number of failures, MTBF, MTTR, TRG, TRS, TRE,…

Edition automatic reports

daily, monthly, of interventions

Generating diagrams analysis

Pareto losses of equipment, historical events, time stops,…

Edition and monitoring standards

cleaning, tightening, lubrication, inspection, maintenance,…

Document creation

lessons ad hoc procedures, safety,…


Imply the entire staff

Matches TPM’s requirements

Well suited for maintenance

Possible links with other programs

Graphic visualization of all anomalies

Easy to use and user friendly

Evolutive and customizable

Main tools

To implement and monitor the TPM, the TPM Factory software includes several tools:

The cards : for handling technical breakdowns and defects
When an operator detects an anomaly, he makes a card that he places on the machine at the precise point of the problem. The anomaly is then processed either by manufacture or by maintenance and is finally fixed. The card allows an immediate visualization of the type of anomaly detected and the responsibility of its treatment. Indeed, there are two main types :

  1. The blue cards: to be addressed by the operators
  2. The red cards: to be addressed by maintenance

The purpose is to locate, identify and locate faults on equipment in order to correct them.


1. The improvement cards (yellow card) are used to improve formalize a request for improvement to its realization.

2. The standard is a formal check-list inspection actions to achieve.The objective is to define and set up inspections to prevent deterioration of the equipment in accordance with the basic conditions for a quick and easy visual inspection. We need to define the security conditions, delimit the areas concerned, to specify the tools to use, the inspection frequency with the duration of operations and who does what.

3. The lessons are an ad hoc communication simple and fast to develop the knowledge and technical know-how.The objective is its depth of knowledge and skills to act at the right time and quickly. It is also to improve the level of the entire group, each person trained to become trainer.